February 23, 2014

Best Blogs Ever

Hello Everybody!!!

I am going to tell you about my three all time favorite blogs and why I like them.


Bella and Blythe. (Melissagoodsell.typepad.com/blythe).

Up above is a pic from "Bella and Blythe."

The reasons I like "Bella and Blythe:"

  1. She is very creative,
  2. She has the cutest Blythe dolls,
  3. Bella is awesome, and so are her Blythes,
  4. She posts about all kinds of stuff, and I liked all of the topics,
  5. There were cool posts up everyday, (Why I say "Were" is because she doesn't post on that blog anymore).

Life Of Blythe. (Life-Of-Blythe.blogspot.com).

Up above is a pic from "Life of Blythe."

The reasons I like "Life of Blythe:"

  1. She is really cool,
  2. Her second Blythe's name is "Kiki," just like mine!
  3. She posts a lot, and her posts are really cool,
  4. Her Blythes are really cute,
  5. She posts about a lot of cool things.


The Adventures Of Molli. (Adventuresofmolli.blogspot.com)

Up above is a pic from "The Adventures Of Molli."

The reasons I like "The Adventures Of Molli:"

  1. The blog is funny,
  2. The blog is from a dolls' point of view,
  3. It is adventurous, and super cool,
  4. Her posts were awesome! (She doesn't blog there anymore, I think),
  5. I think the family who owns the blog is vegan (Like me!) or vegetarian , because in one of her posts, she mentions a feast with Tofurky (Fake meat).

That's all for this post!

Thanks for reading!

Q: What did the cow say when he fell in a well?

A: Moo.

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