August 13, 2014


Hi everyone!
My Blythe dolls love dressing up as princesses.  There are costumes of Disney princesses (Kiki is wearing snow white and I think Josie might be wearing Cinderella), and then there are fancy dresses that my Blythe dolls wear to create their own princesses (Peaches is "Princess Peaches.")

Thanks for reading!

August 12, 2014

How to make a notepad

Hi everyone!  It's Josie, and I am gonna teach you how to make a note pad (For Blythe dolls, of course!)

Here are the things you need:

Colored paper, white paper, scissors, staples, And double sided tape is optional.

1.  Cut a strip of the color paper about this big

and then fold it in half. In the photo, it's not folded in half.

2.  Cut multiple strips of the white paper just a bit smaller than the red.

3.  put the white strips inside of each-other.

4.  Put them inside the red strips

5.  Staple the back on the fold, right in the center.

I also chose to take white paper and color paper and stick them on the front with double sided tape.

Thanks for reading!

August 11, 2014

Kiki & Josie's Art: Heart sheild & FDCSM

Hi everyone!  It's Kiki.  I wanted to show you what Josie and I made today.  I made a picture of a heart with a heart shield on.  Josie made a mythical creature based off fish, dogs, cats, seals and mermaids.  Josie loves to draw and sketch.  She also loves creating mythical creatures.

August 10, 2014

Butterfly watching

Hi everyone!  I'm Josie and this is my first time posting.  One of my hobbies is butterfly watching.  The photos of the butterfly up above are photos I took while camping.  While camping I saw a lot of different types of butterflies.  I couldn't take a picture of all of them because they were flying when I saw them so the pictures would be blurry.  This one stayed still for the photos.

Bye and thanks for reading my post!

August 9, 2014

LCR and Five crowns

That's Peaches, Kiki and Josie playing LCR (Left Center Right).  It's a very fun dice game. Josie won.
Below are pictures of Josie playing Five crowns. She is playing with Peaches and Kiki, but they are not shown in the pics.

August 8, 2014

Breaking Dawn

Peaches is reading Breaking Dawn and she loves it. She's read all the other books too.

August 7, 2014


Kiki loves to listen to songs on my MP3 player. In this photo, she is listening to One Direction.

Mini Orange Slice!

Hello everyone! I was eating an orange, and inside was a little tiny mini orange slice perfect for Blythe dolls!  I gave it to Peaches to eat because she really likes oranges.

Bye Bye!

August 6, 2014

The three new dresses

Hello everybody!  At a thrift shop, I got three dresses for Peaches, Kiki and Josie.

I really like them all.


August 5, 2014

Super Peaches saves Kiki and Josie!

Uh oh! Kiki and Josie are in trouble!  They are tied up on a cliff!

Only super peaches can save them!

And she has to do it before dark so she has to hurry! Once it's dark, an evil villain will come and take them away!

So Super Peaches flew over and untied them as fast as she could!

Kiki and Josie were saved!  All thanks to Super Peaches!