March 30, 2014

Kiki's Art: Rainbow Sunset + Field

Hello readers!

I made a sunset picture (It is the background of the first two pics).  Kiki saw it and liked it so she made her own.  She made a sunset picture once, but she got inspired to make another.  Kiki also made one of a field. She said it just came to her.  She made it before the sunset one because the image came to her and she didn't want to forget it.  She named the sunset one "Rainbow Sunset," and the Field one "Sunny Meadow." Kiki likes "Rainbow Sunset" most, but I like "Sunny Meadow" better.  I glued both of Kiki's drawings to the back of mine.  These are her 6th and 7th works of art. I love them both and they are both really pretty.

Well that's all for today!

March 28, 2014



Kiki and I love playing a video game called "Minecraft."  It is a really cool game that a lot of people play.

Kiki is playing on my slot.  She wants her own, so I am gonna make her one today or tomorrow.



Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the grumpy witch's house.
Who's there?
The chicken.

P.S.  Sorry that the pics are dark.

March 27, 2014

Kiki's Computer Art: Color Frames

Kiki:  (Walks in to the room and shows Peaches her art)  "How do you like it?"

Peaches:  "Very colorful."

Kiki:  "Thanks. It's title is 'Color Frames'."

Peaches:  "Cool. I liked 'CONP' better, but this one is pretty."

Kiki:  (Blushing) "Awwww!  Just so ya know, I printed out two copies of CONP.  I hung one up in your room and put the other in your pillowcase."

Peaches:  "Why?"

Kiki:  "Because you love it so much so I thought you should see it in your room all the time."

Peaches:  "But why the pillowcase?"

Kiki:  "Since you love it so much, I thought you could wake up and take it out and look at it. You should never be without it. Which reminds me, I put a mini copy in your wallet."

Peaches:  (Took out her wallet)  "When did you do that? I keep my wallet with me at day, and at night I have it in a safe."

Kiki:  (Pauses)  "There is no limit to love of art."

Peaches:  "What does that even mean?"

Kiki:  (Changing the subject)  "Why do you even keep it in a safe?"

Peaches:  "So you don't get to it."

Kiki: (Laughs to herself).


Q:  Where can you find a dog with no arms and no legs?

A:  Wherever you put it.

March 26, 2014

Kiki's Kilt


I made a kilt for Kiki the other day and she loves it so I thought I would blog about it.
I made the kilt out of old pants, and needle & thread.

Kiki isn't Irish or Scottish but she loves kilts.  She wants a green one too.

Q:  What walks on four legs when it is a baby, walks on two when adult, and walks on three when old?

A:  Mankind.
(When a baby, mankind crawls on arms and legs, when adult, only legs, when old, legs plus a cane).

March 25, 2014

Printable Newspapers


Peaches and Kiki's mail came today and in the mail was the newspaper.

So Peaches and Kiki took it out and read it.

They both found it really boring.  Kiki half-liked a story of man on the moon, but she only liked the picture.

I printed out the newspaper myself and I found the printables here.
I tied the newspaper in a little plastic bag I cut.
I also printed out some board games but they were too small.  My bad.
A good place to find board games for dolls would be, which is a doll craft blog. It is not just for printables.

Thanks for reading!

Q:  What has stripes on the outside and spots on the inside?

A:  A watermelon.

March 22, 2014

Kiki's Computer Art: CONP

This is Kiki's latest piece of art.

She calls it "CONP."

"CONP" means "Color On News Paper."

Kiki:  "Do you like this one?"

Peaches:  "Sure, It's alright."

Kiki:  "You think you could do better?"

Peaches:  "No, I am not an artist."

Kiki: "Even if you were, I bet you could not top this piece of art."

Peaches:  "It's not really art."

Kiki:  "Art is a symbol of uniqueness."

Peaches:  "Well then, your art is very unique."

Kiki:  "Yes! I knew you'd like this one!"

Peaches: "I didn't say -"

And before Peaches could finish, Kiki ran off, happily.

Now, time for another bagel joke.
Q:  What does a ghost put on his bagel?

A:  Scream cheese!

March 21, 2014

Kiki's Computer Art: Drain

Kiki:  "Do you like it?"

Peaches:  "Well..." (Pause) "It is a bit crazy and distracting for my taste."

Kiki:  "But you still like it, right?"

Peaches:  "Before I answer, what is the meaning of it?"

Kiki:  "Really, it has no meaning. It is just pretty."

Peaches:  "What is the name of it?"

Kiki:  "Drain. As in it drains the life out of all the other paintings."

Peaches:  "Okay..."

Kiki:  "So do you like it?"

Peaches:  "I'd rather not answer."

Kiki: "Wow."  (Walks away).

In my opinion, Kiki's picture is both pretty and meaningless.

Q:  What is the only flying bagel?

A:  A plain (plane) bagel!

March 19, 2014

Wall Swing



I made this really cool swing that hangs from doorknobs out of cardboard and yarn!

Kiki's just hangin' around!

Kiki fell off the swing but she is okay because it wasn't a very high drop.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Cindy Lou.
Cindy Lou Who?
Cindy Lou Who.

March 18, 2014

Kiki's New Shirt

Hello readers of the world!

This is a shirt I made for my Blythe dollies, and I crocheted it with this cool thin white yarn. I usually don't like using really thin yarn, but this yarn was okay.

Kiki thinks it would be better if it was pink, but I like it white. She wants another one for Peaches so they can match.

Kiki thinks that if everyone wore pink clothes all the time, the world would be a better place!

Q:  What runs all day and all night but never gets tired?

A:  A refrigerator!

March 17, 2014

Peaches's Bag

Hey everybody!  This is a bag I made for my Blythe dolls.  I crocheted it last night.  I was in the mood for crocheting so I crocheted a shirt for Kiki.  It will be on the next post, so stay tuned! :D

Knock knock
Who's there?
Boo who?
You don't have to cry, It's just a joke!

March 16, 2014

Kiki and Izzy

Hello. This is "Izzi."  Izzy is a "Kawaii Crush" toy.

Kiki heard about Izzy, and heard that she was fun.

Kiki went to hang with her, (and as always, I had to take pics!).

Kiki is gonna visit her again really soon.  Izzy doesn't have any sisters yet, so she is quite lonely at this time. But soon she will have some sisters.
Knock knock
Who's there?
Control freak. Now you say, "Control freak who?"

March 15, 2014

Finished Blanket Squares!


The blanket squares are FINALLY finished!
I finished them last night, and I attached them together last night as well.

I am so happy and so are my Blythe dolls. I might start another blanket today or tomorrow.

Kiki:  "Yay! It's done! (and it took you long enough!)"

Me:  "What?"

Kiki:  "NOTHING."

How many jelly beans can you fit into an empty jelly bean jar?

One. Then it won't be empty anymore

March 14, 2014

Kiki saves Peaches!

Peaches is in trouble!  She is stuck on a mountain. If she doesn't get saved in time, she will burn up by the really close sun!

Luckily,  Kiki is gonna save her!

She brought her rope that is attached to her waist.

First, Kiki has to cross the Blanket Mountain.


Next, She has to get to the top of that high cliff

and avoid the high fall.

She has to be quiet because she can't wake up the evil cat Sophie or else she will be attacked.

She has to hurry up, because Peaches is burning!!!

So she took her long rope,

and threw it onto the cliff,

and climbed up.

Once she got to the top, she ran as fast as she could to get to the mountain that Peaches was on.

There she was!

Kiki rushed over and helped her down.

Peaches was saved!

The end!

There was a mother cow with three children. One day, the oldest one walked up to the mother and asked "Mama, Why is my name 'Daisy?'" The mother answered, "Because when you were born, a daisy landed on your head."  The next day, her second child asked "Mama, why is my name Tulip?'"  The mother answered, "Because when you were born, a tulip landed on your head." The next day, her third child came to her and said "gbdnapnatychgakkjubes."  Then, the mother said "Oh, Brick!"